Meeting Dates & Events
Compiled from documents provided by Board Secretary, Elwyn Bradley.
Original documents lost in a fire. |
1927 - Mr R Fisher donated doors and fittings for Hall and supper-room, and thanks were extended to the residents of the district who came forward to build the supper-room.
1927 - Dance and card evenings were run by the committee monthly for many years; also Annual Balls. Free buses were run from Cambridge for these events for a few years.
1931 - Committee ‘let’ the Hall for 14 nights to the ‘Ping-Pong’ Club for £5/10 shillings.
1932 - Hall ‘Let’ to Sunday School ‘Romps’ at 10 shillings per night.
1932 - A ‘Bachelors Dance’ was held.
1933 - Hall used for Dancing Classes & Music attaching at 3s/6p per night.
1933 - New Incorporated Rules were adopted and a Special General Meeting held to elect Trustees, A Cowley, D McKinnon, J Scott.
Price & Holmes tender accepted £40/10shillings for the enlargement of the supper-room and fire Place.
A vote of thanks to the ladies of the district who worked and raised money for the new chimney.
1935 - A Special General Meeting on the 7th November. Moved - “That we try and purchase about 5 acres of Mr C Weals for a Sports Ground.”
The committee was given the power to mortgage the Hall to raise money to purchase the ground.
On 5th April 1936 Account to be opened with the BNZ, Hamilton and Mr A Wison to be engaged to survey the Sports Ground. ( BNZ Account did not happen)
1936 - A delay in getting the survey done for the Sports Ground. 27 July
1936 - Glee Club donated chairs and a piano stool.
1936 - Tennis Court construction started.
1937 - 16 February. Account opened with the National Bank and loans arranged for up to £350.
1937 - Cricket grounds formed.
1938 - 'Bachelors' donated £5 and tables for supper-room.
1939 - Sports Ground banked around the edge of grounds and a cycle-track formed.
1939 - W Ganley donated trees for the western side of the ground.
1941 - C Garmonsway applied for use of the Hall for Homeguards. They held boxing bouts and lectures in the Hall and paraded in the grounds until the Japanese surrender in 1945.
1927 - Dance and card evenings were run by the committee monthly for many years; also Annual Balls. Free buses were run from Cambridge for these events for a few years.
1931 - Committee ‘let’ the Hall for 14 nights to the ‘Ping-Pong’ Club for £5/10 shillings.
1932 - Hall ‘Let’ to Sunday School ‘Romps’ at 10 shillings per night.
1932 - A ‘Bachelors Dance’ was held.
1933 - Hall used for Dancing Classes & Music attaching at 3s/6p per night.
1933 - New Incorporated Rules were adopted and a Special General Meeting held to elect Trustees, A Cowley, D McKinnon, J Scott.
Price & Holmes tender accepted £40/10shillings for the enlargement of the supper-room and fire Place.
A vote of thanks to the ladies of the district who worked and raised money for the new chimney.
1935 - A Special General Meeting on the 7th November. Moved - “That we try and purchase about 5 acres of Mr C Weals for a Sports Ground.”
The committee was given the power to mortgage the Hall to raise money to purchase the ground.
On 5th April 1936 Account to be opened with the BNZ, Hamilton and Mr A Wison to be engaged to survey the Sports Ground. ( BNZ Account did not happen)
1936 - A delay in getting the survey done for the Sports Ground. 27 July
1936 - Glee Club donated chairs and a piano stool.
1936 - Tennis Court construction started.
1937 - 16 February. Account opened with the National Bank and loans arranged for up to £350.
1937 - Cricket grounds formed.
1938 - 'Bachelors' donated £5 and tables for supper-room.
1939 - Sports Ground banked around the edge of grounds and a cycle-track formed.
1939 - W Ganley donated trees for the western side of the ground.
1941 - C Garmonsway applied for use of the Hall for Homeguards. They held boxing bouts and lectures in the Hall and paraded in the grounds until the Japanese surrender in 1945.
1941 - Wedding Hire £1/10shillings
1944 - Beginners Dancers - Garmonsways Band played for free.
1944 - Ping-Pong and Card Nights were run by the committee.
1945 - Smoke Concerts were started.
1945 - Victory Dance was held for end of WWII.
1945 - A volley-board was erected at edge of tennis courts.
1946 - Grazing of ground was ‘Let’ over winter months.
1944 - Beginners Dancers - Garmonsways Band played for free.
1944 - Ping-Pong and Card Nights were run by the committee.
1945 - Smoke Concerts were started.
1945 - Victory Dance was held for end of WWII.
1945 - A volley-board was erected at edge of tennis courts.
1946 - Grazing of ground was ‘Let’ over winter months.
1951 - Waikato Centre for Athletics was held for many years on the grounds.
1951 - Kaipaki Hockey Club used the Hall for their committee members.
1962 - In October the Hall was re-opened after extensive repairs and alterations.
1971 - Relaying and sealing of tennis courts. $200 donation. Boner Pool Bitumix of $979.
1973 - Presentation to Dudley Cunningham and Ken Knudsen in recognition of their long service to the Hall committee.
1974 - A children's slide was purchased $47 and donated by the Ladies Social Tennis Club.
1974 - Social Committee formed from club representatives to help with social events.
1974 - Moved “ That a presentation to Hall Committee members after 15 years on committee, when retiring.
1974 - Presentation to Clive Cunningham for his long service as a Hall committee member.
1978 - New roof on Hall paid for by Waipa County Council $1,020; $200 from rating account; $200 from recreation grant; $200 from hall account; $1620 total.
1978 - Community Household rating was formed to be spent on Hall maintenance.
1980 - Hall painted.
1980 - The 1946 ‘Kitchen Evenings’ was discontinued.
1980 - Title proposed to the Waipa County Council.
1981 - Proposed sealing of tennis courts with interest free loans from F. Boyd; E DelaRue and C. Speake. Sand donated by S Clayton and the Lions Club.
1982 - Title of land transferred to Waipa County Council to enable us to use it for maintenance of grounds.
1983 - Gang mowers were purchased by Hall and Cricket Club from University of Waikato for $1,000.
1984 - Pukerimu Water Scheme was formed. Our share was $517.65.
1985 - Trees, Cypress Helandi were planted on boundary fence by P.E.P. workers to replace old trees.
1986 - Payment to all schools and halls was waived for the Pukerimu Water Scheme.
1986-87 - Painting of the interior of the Hall by P.D. workers.
1987 - Cricket Pavilion erected and a Tennis Club shelter.
1988 75th Jubilee and Cabaret in July. Plunket Mothers did the catering. Door prices $20 double - $10 single. All residents and ex-committee members invited. The cake was made and donated by Elwyn Bradley and iced by Hazel Knudsen.
1989 - 2004. Family BBQ’s were held.
1991 - New secondhand Mowers purchased from Hamilton Iseki $1,068.75
1991 - Outside toilets proposed grant of $2,500 towards them from Waipa Council.
1995 - Outside toilets built(2) by W Cunningham.
1993 - Amendments to Incorporation Rules per Department of Inland Revenue.
1993 - Mr Bill Clayton was thanked for his 17 years service to Hall committee when he resigned.
1993 - New mowers demonstration model $4,353.75 from Ross Todd Motors. Financed by Waipa County Council Pirongia Ward $1,850; TrustBank $300; Cricket Club $500 with the balance coming from the Hall committee funds.
1994 - Presentation Evening held for Colin Speake for 27 years on the Hall committee with 17 as Chairman and Bill Clayton with 18 years on the committee.
1995 - Exterior of Hall painted with a grant from Trustbank. P.D. workers did the painting.
1997 - Floor resurfaced and vinyl laid in kitchen, toilets and foyer.
1999 - The Tennis Club closed down.
2000 - A local ‘Millenium Evening’ was held in the Hall to welcome in the new century.
2001 - As the mowers needed to be replaced and Ray Bradley was no longer able to mow them, we employed Cann Mowing Services.
2002 - New toilet added to ladies rest room, making wheelchair access.
2002 - Ron Dunford passed away while still on committee.
2003 - Murray Maxwell, councillor came to discuss the cost of mowing the grounds with very little income. He suggested we lease out the grounds. Lease advertised. Don Barron was the successful Tender.
2004 - Outside of Hall was repainted by P.D. workers.
2005 - A presentation for Stan Wilkins who is retiring and leaving the district. This was held at the Bradley residence. Stan had 13 years on the committee with 12 years as Chairman.
2006 - The start of ‘mid-winter xmas pot luck' evenings instead of summer BBQ’s, due to poor attendance.
2006 - Car park sealed at the back of the Hall. The cost met by the Waipa County Council with the Hall committee paying $4,000 towards it, including drainage.
2008 - 120 new chairs were purchased at an auction for $4,050, with $3,000 from Trust Waikato.
2008 - Sad passing of Joe Verytt while still on the committee. He had 27 years service.
2010 - At a committee meeting, John Parker presented an outline on a ‘Kaipaki Reserve Development Project’ he was working on. This was initiated from a discussion by three committee members at our ‘Mid-winter Xmas dinner’
2010 - A public meeting was held on March 24th re the ‘Kaipaki Reserve Development Project’. A projection screen was used by John Parker to explain his vision for a community centre with upgrading Hall, Tennis Courts, Cricket Ground. This was received favourably, subject to raising the finance.
24 June At a committee meeting, John Parker updated his plans towards the Project and had raised $33,000. The Project is to go ahead.
27 Oct Hall Committee meeting. A review of the plans was presented by John Parker.
14 Dec Meeting with the Waipa County Council in Chanbers to finalise and get approval for finance. Approved $25,000 loan and a $175,000 grant (which will probably be covered by Waipa Council section near the Hall.) The remaining monies to be raised by Grants and Donations.
2011 - 31 August A new Board was formed instead of a committee.
23 February Cricket was re-started umber the guidance of Kent Currie.
2012 - 6 February The Kaipaki Centre was officially opened by the Mayor of Cambridge, Alan Livingston, and three(3) Life Memberships awarded.