Project Funding
Cost of Project
Commercial value of between $7- 800,000.00 and was completed for around $320,000.00. This was able to be achieved through working bees and contributions from businesses and local people.
Future Funding Model
Participants don’t pay fees at Kaipaki as this could be a barrier to participation and is a model that has not worked in the past.
Instead we have approached local companies and individuals to contribute $1000 or more each year to cover the costs of running the facility and putting a little aside for future development. (Fieldays are providing funds each year for an initial term of three years with a view to increasing the amount and extending the term).
In return these supporters receive:
We also gain funds from hireage, holiday programs for children and functions designed to raise funds etc.
Commercial value of between $7- 800,000.00 and was completed for around $320,000.00. This was able to be achieved through working bees and contributions from businesses and local people.
Future Funding Model
Participants don’t pay fees at Kaipaki as this could be a barrier to participation and is a model that has not worked in the past.
Instead we have approached local companies and individuals to contribute $1000 or more each year to cover the costs of running the facility and putting a little aside for future development. (Fieldays are providing funds each year for an initial term of three years with a view to increasing the amount and extending the term).
In return these supporters receive:
- A day a year where their company or family can use the facility free for events/activities that might involve staff, clients or extended families. Already one corporate supporter has used the facility three times (by agreement) within the first six months
- Listing in the Kaipaki Business Directory outlining their contribution to the facility. This Directory lists all the Kaipaki Centre’s supporters and is distributed to every household within the district – about 1300
- Attend appropriate functions/activities during the year as they are in the communications system and therefore know what is happening.
- Gain a weekly exposure in turn on the scoreboard at the facility that is viewable from the road.
- Gain tax benefits from supporting/advertising such a facility.
- Have the satisfaction of being a good community supporter by supporting this facility and helping make it available to future generations just as people did for us as far back as 1913. This is the way rural communities work.
We also gain funds from hireage, holiday programs for children and functions designed to raise funds etc.